Join us in the Fight
Its more than just a slogan. Its a movement.
Wilms Warriors™ is the Wilms Cancer Foundations community outreach program in support of children, families and healthcare professionals tackling this tragic disease.
The program empowers individuals and businesses at a grass-roots level to help make a real and immediate difference in the lives of those suffering or, affected by Wilms within their local communities and beyond. We actively support community initiatives. So whether its a fundraising event, donation drive or simply the active sharing of stories about Wilms, we want to hear from you. Together we can make a difference.
Warrior Spotlight

Eli (Iowa, USA)
Eli, 5 yrs, from Iowa, battled bilateral Wilms for 16 months. He was diagnosed in March 2019, unable to recieve treatment locally Eli and his family were forced to travel to St Judes Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee where he underwen kidney sparing surgery.
Following 7 rounds of radiation therapy Eli sadly suffered a relapsed at the end of treatment in November 2019. He was placed on the intense ICE regime, with combined cyclo/ topo, and completed 5 rounds before undergoing repeat kidney sparing surgery.
Unable to find any tumor, the medical team conducted 17 biopsies which ultimately indicated necrotic tissue and inflammation. He endured 2 further rounds of 'Regimen M' and was declared NED June 2020. His family remain positive yet vigilant.
Michael (Massachusetts, USA)
Michael, was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in April 7th, 2020, at just 5 years old, He was immediately referred to a pediatric oncologist in Boston with Wilms. Following multiple IV’s, cat scans, blood work, ultrasounds, urine samples and x-rays, 48 hours later Michael underwent an 11 hour operation.
The surgery comprised of a nephrectomy, tumour removal and insertion of a port catheter in preparation for chemotherapy treatment. A post-surgery a biopsy revealed that he has Stage 3 Nephroblastoma.
To date Michael has completed 6 rounds of radiation treatment and 33 weeks of chemotherapy (Regimen M.). His is latest scans have shown that he is currently cancer free and he will continue to have MRI & CT scans every 3 months to confirm he is still in remission and his body is free of any evidence of disease.
During Michaels ordeal he has shown incredible spirit. His family remarking that ‘you would have never know he was battling cancer and undergoing intensive chemotherapy’. Hiking, swimming, kayaking, gardening, running, wrestling, puddle jumping, wave surfing, he faced his battle full energy, light and laughter. A fighter and a warrior. His family are very proud of him.
Kaia (British Columbia, Canada)
Up until February 23, 2021, Kaia was a normal healthy little 5-year-old with no prior health conditions or even many sicknesses. One night Kaia woke up to tell her mom she didn’t feel very good and her tummy hurt, it soon went away and didn’t seem to bug her again that night.
The next morning by 8am she began crying and screaming in pain. Her mom rushed her to the emergency department thinking she had a possible appendicitis, and the ER staff did to. The ER team agreed until her blood work came back ‘good’ and it was suddenly ruled out. Now more concerned Kaia’s mom knew something wasn’t right and insisted on an ultrasound. The results indicated a large mass on Kaia’s right kidney and the family were quickly flown to children’s hospital in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Once there the medical team conducted lengthy surgery which included; the removal of the tumour, kidney (nephrectomy), removal of all surrounding lymph nodes and the insertion of a central line, or port. Despite this the family still had to wait some time before a definitive diagnosis of ‘stage 3 nephroblastoma’ (or Wilms) was delivered. Following a period of convalescents Kaia then began radiation treatment and chemotherapy. Sadly, the treatments have have taken a real toll on Kaia and she has been quite tired and sick most days. As her mum says “She is usually playing with her little brother or running around in Kindergarten not laying in a hospital bed… we will be at the hospital for roughly 6 months or longer until Kaia gets the treatment she needs. It’s going to be a long journey away from home for us but we are hopeful things will get better”.
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'Wilms Warrior' Tee
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Awareness is our greatest weapon in the fight against Wilms. We can't cure the disease but we can avoid much of the fear, pain and heartache cause by a late stage diagnosis. Importantly, by being vigil and improving early detection rates we can save lives.
Join us in the fight against late stage detection by spreading the word about the dangers of WIlms. Host a Wilms Warriors information banner on your website or social media platform and link it to:
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