Support Materials
Collateral & Promotional Tools
This Operations Literature is intended to provide supplementary information and is for ‘internal and permissible use’ only. Further information and/ or additional copies can be obtained by contacting the Wilms Cancer Foundation.
Under international copyright laws this documentation may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, or translated, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Wilms Cancer Foundation.
Wilms Cancer Foundation.
Fact Sheet: Disease_by_the_Numbers
Fact Sheet: Diagnosis_by_the_Numbers
Information Leaflet: Information_Leaflet_General_Distribution v.1
Poster: Poster_General_Distribution_(N/A)
Financial Request: Financial_Support_Application_Form_Level_1
Presentation Deck (General Distribution): Digital_Deck_General_v.1a
WCF Chapters
Branding Guidelines: Key_Information_Directive
Donation Request: Donation_Request_General_(N/A)
Presentation Deck (Key Note): Digital_Deck_Keynote_v.2a_(N/A)
Letterhead Format: Letterhead_(N/A)
Business Card Format: Business_Card_(N/A)
Note: The Wilms Cancer Foundation reserves the right to change, amend or delete documentation without notice.