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Brand Ambassadors

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Wilms Cancer Foundation _ Brand Ambassador_ Monica_Podgorski

Monika Podgorski (Body Builder)

The Wilms Cancer Foundation are delighted to be represented by sports personality and children's cancer champion: Monika Pogorski.


As part of our brand ambassador program Monkia has been an inspiration not only to his loyal fans but to the children, families and healthcare organizations that are tackling Wilms everyday. His support has been essential in our ability to generate awareness of this terrible disease and to help those who are effected by this Wilms terrible disease.

Monika Podgorski is a true champion both on and off the field.







Wilms Cancer Foundation _ Brand Ambassador_ Monica_Podgorski


Wilms Cancer Foundation _ Brand Ambassador_ Monica_Podgorski

A former wrestler to now a competitive bodybuilder and firefighter, Monika has just begun to touch her potential in the world of bodybuilding. Monika was born in new Westminster and grew up playing sports most of her life. 

Monika began playing soccer at a young age and picked up wrestling when she began high school at Saint Thomas Moore. At a very young age Monika knew she wanted to be very muscular and fit and she began weight training at the age of 14. Monika was heavily involved in both soccer and wrestling and in her graduation year she became a Provincial Champion. She was offered a scholarship to wrestle at Simon Fraser University, where she continued her career for the next 5 years. 

Wilms Cancer Foundation _ Brand Ambassador_ Monica_Podgorski
Wilms Cancer Foundation _ Brand Ambassador_ Monica_Podgorski
Wilms Cancer Foundation _ Brand Ambassador_ Monica_Podgorski
Wilms Cancer Foundation _ Brand Ambassador_ Monica_Podgorski
Wilms Cancer Foundation _ Brand Ambassador_ Monica_Podgorski

Unfortunately, Monika fractured her radius and dislocated her elbow, ending her wrestling career in 2016. Monika joined the BC Wildfire Service in 2015 and fought wildfires for 4 years. During the shoulder seasons Monika would take courses and certifications needed to apply for structural firefighting. Monika has now been with the Delta fire department since 2019 and enjoys being involved in charitable events, as well as coaching the Saint Thomas Moore wrestling team. 


After Monika’s injury she still felt the urge to compete in something. She has always loved training and eating in a regimented and structured manner so she signed up for her first bodybuilding show in 2019. Monika won her category, women’s physique, the 2019 Leigh Brandt Muscle Classic. 


During this process she absolutely fell in love with the sport and proceeded to train hard and eat lots for 2 years before she competed again. In July 2021, Monika competed at the Van Island Showdown, where she came second in her class overall. Monika is now in her off season spending her days training and eating to further put on more size for the 2022 Vanpro Show. 

Wilms Cancer Foundation _ Brand Ambassador_ Monica_Podgorski
Wilms Cancer Foundation _ Brand Ambassador_ Monica_Podgorski
Wilms Cancer Foundation _ Brand Ambassador_ Monica_Podgorski
Wilms Cancer Foundation _ Brand Ambassador_ Monica_Podgorski

Media, Events and Community

WCF Brand ambassadors are not just spokes-people seeking to bring about greater awareness of the disease. They are committed advocates  who are actively engaged in supporting those who are tackling the disease on a daily basis; children, families and healthcare organizations.

Wilms Cancer Foundation _ Brand Ambassador_ Monica_Podgorski
Wilms Cancer Foundation _ Brand Ambassador_ Monica_Podgorski
Wilms Cancer Foundation _ Brand Ambassador_ Monica_Podgorski
Wilms Cancer Foundation _ Brand Ambassador_ Monica_Podgorski
© Wilms Cancer Foundation

Become a Brand Ambassador

Our brand ambassador program is essential in the WCF's ability to generate awareness of this terrible disease and to help those who are directly effected.


With your help we can seek to relieve the emotion and financial burden created by diagnosis and you can have a significant impact on the lives of those who are tackling the disease on a daily basis.


Attached is a brief synopsis of the WCF's program and its parameters. Please take the time to review it and consider the positive impact you can have on the lives of children, families and healthcare organizations.


Wilms Cancer Foundation: Advocacy, Early Detection, Education, Fundraising, Grants, Treatment, Support

William would like to personally thank the following organizations for their previous and current support:

USA: Qualified 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organization | EIN:98-3478827

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Canada: Registered Charity: 756261939 BC0001

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